Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Joe Webb

As we wrap up our color course 
I am still looking towards ways to introduce color into my portriture
that will set me apart from the billions of other artists.

I think that Joe Webb has an interesting use of color, portraiture, and collage in his works.

-Stephanie Eley.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Porodina vs. Avedon

Elizaveta Porodina...
 has a great eye for what I would consider to be fashion photography
I am drawn to this work because he has  incorporated small accents of color to a traditional black and white image.

While the work reminds me of Richard Avedon his work brings a fresh take to what Avedon has paved the fashion road as.

Elizaveta Porodina

Elizaveta Porodina

Richard Avedon


Monday, May 20, 2013


I think that this is a unique take on color theory.

I like this series because it reminds me of my final working with complimentary color
and combining the ideas of my projection paint slides from a prior project.

I think that i could combine my prior efforts to create a unique portraiture series like this. 

Marton Perlaki

Tsatsani Katarina

to see more visit : Stroke

Monday, May 13, 2013

Imma Fan

Solve Sundsbo....

Why do I fight it,
I didnt start creating this commercial/fashion works on purpos
and if that what people feel my work looks like...

there is nothing wrong with that.
i wont settle for that
but ive always wanted to combine commercial with fine art

and Solve Sundsbo seems to be doing it quite well..

View his amazing and unique works here

Friday, May 10, 2013

"Drop Dead Gorgeous"

Thanks to Josh I have had a bit more inspiration on how to continue shooting my series on the desease of visual impairment.

this artist Omar Machiavelli has followed the newest fad of blurred fashion shoots. I wonder how I can apply and tweek this method.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

can you paint with all the colors of the rain..

these are images that inspire my current process of manipulating images to deal with my interpretation of vision 

as well as  unique after effects used to enhance the mood of imagery.